Armorico-British Dagger

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Type of bronze dagger found in the ESSEX I Phase of the early Bronze Age (c.1700-1500 BC) in southern Britain which has similarities with examples from Brittany. It has a flat triangular blade, lateral grooves, and six rivets for attaching the blade to the hilt. Sometimes a small tang or languette is present to assist securing the blade to the hilt. Traces of wooden and leather sheaths have been found with some blades; the hilts were probably of wood and in the case of an example found in the Bush Barrow, Wiltshire, were inlaid with gold tacks.


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Type of bronze dagger found in the Wessex I phase of the Early Bronze Age (c. 1700-1500 bc in southern Britain. It has a flat triangular blade, lateral grooves, six rivets for attaching the blade to the hilt, and sometimes a small tang or languette to assist securing the blade to the hilt. Traces of wooden and leather sheaths have been found with some blades; the hilts were probably of wood. [Breton dagger]

Dictionary of Artifacts, Barbara Ann Kipfer, 2007Copied