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City in Kansu province, China, situated at the eastern end of the Kansu Corridor through which the Silk Road ran southeast to northwest. Wuwei became an important commandery under the Han dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). Since T'ang times (618-907), it has been the seat of a prefecture Liang-chou. The 2nd-century tomb of a Han official was discovered, furnished with a procession of miniature bronze cavalry, chariots, and spirited horses including the well-known 'flying horse'. The ancient city has many monuments.


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[Wu-wei]. A city in Gansu province, China, the site of a Han commandery on the Silk Route at the eastern end of the Gansu spirited horses including the well-known ‘flyCorridor. The 2nd-century tomb of a Han ing horse’. official was discovered at Wuwei Leitai in 1969. Instead of the usual pottery figurines the

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied