Western Neolithic

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A main division of the Early and Middle Neolithic cultures of western Europe; it includes the cultures of Chassey, Cortaillod, Lagozza, Windmill Hill, and the Almerian. The local cultures differ in many ways, but have more in common with each other than with cultures of the other major traditions (Danubian, TRB). This can be seen most clearly in the pottery, which shares simple round-based shapes, stringhole lugs rather than handles, and absence of painted decoration or spiral designs. Some scholars feel that these cultures are only loosely connected and that the term Western Neolithic is not useful.


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Name given to a group of Early and Middle Neolithic cultures in western Europe, that were thought to be related. The group includes the Windmill Hill culture of Britain, the Chassey culture of France, the Cortaillod culture in Switzerland, the Lagozza culture in Italy and the Almerian culture of southeast Spain. Many scholars now feel that these cultures are only loosely connected if at all and that the term Western Neolithic has outlived its usefulness.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied