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Site in Fukuoka prefecture, Japan, with many Yayoi settlements, cemeteries, and workshops. The Sugu site proper is a cemetery containing over 200 jar burials. The most famous burial was that of a probable political leader inside two jars, set mouth to mouth, along with at least 33 imported Chinese bronze mirrors, several bronze weapons, and ornaments of glass, stone, and antler. The fine pottery used in the funerary jars is known as the Sugu type, characteristic of the Middle Yayoi (100 BC-100 AD) of Kyushu.


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A site in Fukuoka prefecture, Japan, where many Yayoi settlements, cemeteries and workshops, known as the Sugu site group, are located. The Sugu site proper is a cemetery containing over 200 jar burials. The most famous among them is a grave believed to be that of the political leader of the area. He was buried inside two jars, set mouth to mouth, along with at least 33 imported Chinese bronze mirrors, several bronze weapons, and ornaments of glass, stone and antler. The fine pottery used in the funerary jars is known as the Sugu type, characteristic of the Middle Yayoi (100 bc-ad 100) of Kyushu.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied