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A complex of short-lived settlement sites of the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic, located in the middle Dniester valley in Moldova. The Mesolithic sites, with radiocarbon dates of c 5600-5400 BC, have provided data on the late Mesolithic / early Neolithic Bug-Dniester culture. The earliest occupations are aceramic and had a hunting-fishing economy. Later levels, c 4800 BC, have pointed-base vessels, hearths, and shallow pits. The subsistence economy is similar to the preceding Mesolithic, with the addition of some cultivated einkorn wheat and some domesticated cattle and pig.


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A group of short-lived settlement sites of the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic, located on the middle reaches of the River Dnieper in Moldavia, USSR. The Mesolithic sites, with radiocarbon dates of <5500-5400 be, are 20-cm thick layers with hearths containing layers of shells and fishbones and working hollows. Forest game, especially red and roe deer and pig, was hunted with the aid of the domestic dog. In the Early Neolithic Bug-Dniester sites, dated ¿4800 be, 10-50 cm-thick layers are found, with hearths and shallow pits. The subsistence economy is similar to the preceding Mesolithic, with the addition of some cultivated einkorn wheat and some domesticated cattle and pig.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied