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Eneolithic culture of the northwest Balkans (north Bosnia and east Slavonia, Yugoslavia) of c 4300-3700 BC. The pottery of this group shares affinities with the dark burnished ware tradition of the south Balkans and the incised and monochrome tradition of the north Balkans. Few cemeteries are known, but there is plenty of settlement evidence (tells, open sites). It is viewed as a regional variant of either the Lengyel or the Vinca culture.


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Term defined by S. Dimitri-jevic to denote the later Neolithic sites of Srem, north Bosnia and east Slavonia, Yugoslavia, in the period of c4300-3700 be. The pottery of this group shares affinities with the dark burnished ware tradition of the south Balkans and the incised and monochrome tradition of the north Balkans. While few cemeteries are known, settlement evidence — either from tells such as Sopot or open sites — is plentiful and indicates a preference for lowland valleys.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied