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A district in South Cholla Province, South Korea, where a sunken Yuan merchant ship of the 14th century AD was discovered off the coast. The ship's cargo was Chinese porcelain: more than 17,000 pieces have been recovered, mainly celadon and qingbai wares. Dated coins, 18.5 tons, and many metal, stone, wooden, and lacquer objects have also been found.


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A district in South Cholla province, South Korea, off the coast of which a sunken merchant ship of the 14th century ad was discovered in 1976. The ship’s cargo was Chinese porcelain: some 7000 pieces have been recovered by divers and it is estimated that at least as many more remain to be salvaged. Dated coins suggest that the wreck occurred in the earlier part of the 14th century and the great bulk of the porcelain, mainly celadon and qingbai wares {see ceramics, China), was certainly of recent manufacture.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied