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An image or representation of a dung beetle (Scarabaeus sacer), very common in ancient Egypt, especially on the Egyptian stamp seal, in use from the Middle Kingdom (1938-c 1600? BC). The dung beetle was held sacred by the ancient Egyptians as a symbol of the motive power of the sun, which was equated with the beetle's ball of dung. It figured frequently in jewelry and other art forms but is best known as the standard form of Egyptian stamp seals. These are made of stone or faience in the shape of a beetle resting on a flat base, the underside of which is carved with a distinguishing inscription in hieroglyphs and the name and titles of the owner. The back of the seal was the dung beetle form. Scarabs were perforated lengthwise and were worn around the neck of as a finger ring, serving as amulet as well as seal.