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The site of three stupas in central India. They are the Great Stupa, Stupa No. 1, an Ashokan foundation enlarged over the centuries; No. 2, with railing decorations of the late Shunga period (c 1st century BC); and No. 3, with its single toran (ceremonial gateway) of the late 1st century BC-1st century AD. Other features of interest include a commemorative pillar erected by the emperor Ashoka (c 265-238 BC); an early Gupta temple (temple No. 17), early 5th century, with a flat roof and pillared portico; and monastic buildings ranging over several centuries. Sanchi sculpture is the early Indian style embellishing the 1st-century-BC gateways of the Buddhist relic mound called the Great Stupa. The region of Sanchi, however, had a continuous artistic history from the 3rd century BC to the 11th century AD.


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Site in central India with a famous Buddhist stupa. Excavations have shown that a brick-built stupa of the Asokan period was later encased in stone and surrounded by a stone railing. This stupa measured c40 metres in diameter and cl 8 metres in height.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied