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A coastal settlement in Washington state occupied for c 1000 years by ancestors of the present-day Makah Indians; a prehistoric culture of the Northwest Coast tradition. Ozette suffered disaster two centuries ago when longhouses and individual dwellings were buried by mudslides and preserved in perfect condition for archaeologists to investigate in the 1970s. The over 60,000 artifacts recovered, including whale-hunting paraphernalia, weaving equipment, and wooden boxes and bowls, constitute the assemblage.


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A group of sites located on the western tip of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, USA. Three to five centuries ago the principal site, a Makah Indian village, was completely engulfed by a mudslide which preserved several plank houses and their contents. The over 60,000 artefacts recovered, including whale-hunting paraphernalia, weaving equipment and wooden bowls, constitute a splendid Northwest Coast tradition assemblage.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied