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Cave site on the Piva River, Montenegro, occupied during the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Copper Age, and Bronze Age. The first levels were dated c 8100-6650 BC with a hunting economy based on ibex exploitation. There was an Early Neolithic Impressed Ware level, dated c 5035-4950 BC. Undated levels contained pottery with Danilo and Kakanji affinities; Final Neolithic black burnished ware; and Late Copper Age pottery. A radiocarbon date of c 1710 BC accompanied Early Bronze Age pottery.


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A long-occupied cave site of the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age, located in the steep Piva Valley in the Dinaric mountains of Montenegro, Yugoslavia. Seven occupation horizons have been recorded: la-Ib, Early and Late Mesolithic levels, dated c8100-6650 be with a hunting economy based on ibex exploitation; II, an Early Neolithic Impressed Ware level, dated ¿5035-4950 be; III, a level with no radiocarbon dates, containing pottery with Danilo and Kakanji affinities; IV, a level with Final Neolithic black burnished ware; V-VI, two undated levels associated with Late Copper Age pottery; VII, a level with a radiocarbon date of cl 710 be and Early Bronze Age pottery.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied