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Cave in the southern Cape Province of South Africa with Later Stone Age material, including a microlithic industry of Wilton type overlying material without backed microliths and where utilized large quadrilateral flakes and informal scrapers were used exclusively (c 12th-9th millennia BC). This material is ascribed to the Albany or Oakhurst industry (formerly Smithfield A). Some include this industry with the Lockshoek and Pomongwe industries in the Oakhurst Complex.


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A cave near George, a short distance inland from the south coast of the Cape Province of South Africa. Over three metres of deposit preserved a microlithic industry of Wilton type overlying material without backed microliths and where utilized flakes and informal scrapers occurred to the virtual exclusion of other implement types. Industries related to this latter occurrence are now known to have been widely distributed in southern Africa between the 12th and 9th millennia be. The name ‘Oakhurst Complex’ has been proposed for this material, but many authorities deny its unity and prefer the term Albany industry for reference to scraper industries of this type in the south Cape coastal region.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied