Non Nok Tha

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Extensively excavated prehistoric site in north-central Thailand (Khorat region), with burials spanning the period c 3500 BC to late 1st millennium AD. There is evidence for possible 4th-3rd millennium BC domestication of cattle, pig, and dog; the cultivation of rice, and the use of copper and bronze. Non Nok Tha and Ban Chiang may have the earliest evidence for bronzeworking in the world. Unlike Ban Chiang, it appears to have been abandoned before iron was in general use.


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A site of major importance in north-central Thailand, with burials spanning the period c35OO be to recent centuries. Like Ban Chiang, the site has produced,evidence for possible 4th-3rd millennium bc domestication of cattle, pig and dog, the cultivation of rice, and the use of copper and bronze. It has been claimed that Non Nok Tha and Ban Chiang have the earliest evidence for bronzeworking in the world, but precise dates are still under debate. See also Ban Chiang.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied