Njoro River Cave

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One of the earliest well-documented Pastoral Neolithic sites in southern Kenya, of the Elmenteitan industry and dated to c 12th century BC. It was a cemetery for cremated burials, each interment being accompanied by a stone bowl, mortar, and pestle, as well as by numerous hard stone beads and pendants. A finely decorated wooden vessel and a gourd were also preserved.


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Dated to cl000 be, this is one of the earliest well-documented Neolithic sites in southern Kenya. It was a cemetery for cremated burials, each interment being accompanied by a stone bowl and pestle, as well as by numerous hard stone beads and pendants. A finely decorated wooden vessel, such as is often used today to carry milk, was also preserved. The associated stone industry was of Elmenteitan type.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied