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One of the greatest Palaeolithic painted caves, in Ariège in the Pyrenees, southwest France. No trace of occupation has been found in the huge cave. The paintings are in black; bison and horse are the animals most frequently depicted. The 'Salon Noir' has six panels of black bison, horse, ibex, and deer figures, which were probably sketched in charcoal and then painted with different pigments. A new gallery discovered in 1970 has hundreds of Palaeolithic footprints. Much of Niaux's art is late Magdalenian (11th millennium BC).


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One of the greatest Palaeolithic painted caves, near Tarascon in the Pyrenees, southwest France. The paintings are in black; bison and horse are the animals most frequently depicted. A new gallery discovered in 1970 has hundreds of Palaeolithic footprints.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied