Nderit Drift

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Site on the Nderit River south of Lake Nakuru, Kenya, which preserves a long sequence of archaeological deposits which illustrate the precursors of the Pastoral Neolithic complex. A blade industry of the 11th millennium BC is regarded as a probable ancestor of the Eburran (Gambles's Cave).


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A site on the Nderit River south of Lake Nakuru, Kenya, which preserves a long sequence of alluvial and lacustrine deposits containing several archaeological occurrences which illustrate the precursors of the Pastoral Neolithic complex. Full details of the sequence are not yet available, but a blade industry of the 11th millennium be is regarded as a probable ancestor of the Eburran, as seen at Gamble’s Cave.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied