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Boulder hill in northern Tanzania with a deep deposit of Middle and Later Stone Age material.


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A rock shelter on the Serengeti Plain of northern Tanzania, formerly known as Apis Rock, containing one of the longest well-documented archaeological sequencs from any single site in the region. Pastoral Neolithic material overlies an aceramic microlithic industry dated to about the 6th millennium be. Below this is an early ‘Late Stone Age’ horizon including some large implements alongside microlithic types, and a long series of problematic industries prior to 20,000 be, that may represent a long process of transition from a stone-working technology based on the use of prepared cores to one in which backed microliths were the characteristic endproduct. The earliest part of the sequence remains undated, and further details of the industries and their associations are awaited.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied