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An ancient kingdom which comprised the southern Chinese provinces Kwangtung and Kwangsi and northern Vietnam and came into being in 207 BC, when a Chinese official declared himself king of the southern province of Nan Hai. To that he added the conquered kingdom of Au-Lac; its capital was near present Canton. The expansion of the Han empire put an end to the existence of Nam-Viet in 111 BC.


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An ancient kingdom which comprised parts of present southern China and of northern Vietnam. It came into being in 207 bc, when a Chinese official declared himself king of the southern province of Nan Hai, to which he added the conquered kingdom of Au-Lac; its capital was near present Canton and its population must have been overwhelmingly non-Chinese. The expansion of the Han empire put an end to the existence of Nam-Viet in 111 bc.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied