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The type site in Denmark for the Maglemosian tool culture of northern Europe, situated in the Magle Mose (or "big bog") in Zealand. The Maglemosian in one of the Mesolithic cultures characterized by stone microliths (tiny stone blades edges and points) used as arrowheads or set into the cutting edges of mattocks axes and adzes and many bone and wood tools are known. It belongs to the early post-glacial period or Boreal time c 9000-5000 BC.


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The type locality of the Maglemo-sean culture of northern Europe, situated in the Magie Mose (or Great Bog) in Zealand, Denmark. The Maglemosean in one of the Mesolithic cultures characterized by axes and microblades, or small tools and points made on microblades. It belongs to the early postglacial period or Boreal time, c 6000 be.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied