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A unique style of art and architecture, part Gothic, part Islamic, which developed in the Iberian peninsula during the Moorish occupation of the 12th-15th centuries. The style, marked by the frequent use of the horseshoe arch and the vault, distinguishes the church and palace architecture of Toledo, Córdoba, Seville, and Valencia. Many of the greatest Mudejar buildings were constructed by Moorish workmen for Christian masters, and were executed in brick, tile and wood. One of the finest examples is the great Mudejar palace of the Alcazar in Seville.


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A term used to describe the unique style of art and architecture, part Gothic, part Islamic, which developed in the Iberian peninsula during the Moorish occupation of the 12th-15th centuries. Many of the greatest Mudejar buildings were constructed by Moorish workmen for Christian masters, and were executed in brick, tile and wood. One of the finest examples is the great Mudejar palace of the Alcazar in Seville.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied