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A site on Sinu River in western Colombia, which has two ceramic periods - Momil I 1000-500 BC and Momil II of 500 BC-1 AD. The site is also significant for its evidence of the transition from manioc to maize farming. Momil I had stone tools, both percussion and pressure flaked, incised and stamped pottery, and circular-rimmed griddles. Momil II had troughed metates, similar to those used in Mesoamerica. New vessel forms, hollow figurines, and the earliest known occurrence of negative resist painting in Colombia, also appear.


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Located on a large lagoon in the Sinu River in northern Colombia, this site is significant for its evidence of the transition from manioc to maize farming. Two major periods are defined. Momil I (ascribed a mean date of c700 bc) contained stone tools, both percussion and pressure flaked, incised and stamped pottery, and circular-rimmed grid dles. By Momil II (dated 100 bc) griddles no longer occur and have been replaced by troughed metates, similar to those used in Mesoamerica. New vessel forms, hollow figurines and the earliest known occurrence of negative resist painting in Colombia, also appear in Momil II, further implying a new external influence. Faunal remains indicate exploitation of the riverine environment throughout Momil’s occupation. The date for the appearance of maize is, however, rather late, suggesting that it did not arrive directly from the north but came indirectly via a southern route.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied