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The tell site of Yümük-Tepe on the southern coast of Turkey (Anatolia) with 33 major levels, the bulk of which are Neolithic and Chalcolithic. The lowest levels were of an Early Neolithic characterized by monochrome impressed wares and radiocarbon dated to 6000 BC. A long series of Chalcolithic levels were tied into the Mesopotamian sequence (Hassuna, Halaf, Ubaid, etc.) by imported sherds. Occupation resumed in the Middle Bronze Age until the Iron Age. The Iron Age levels have ceramic evidence of contacts with the Aegean world. There are also Byzantine and medieval (c 1500 AD) occupations.


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The tell of Yumuktepe in the coastal plain of Cilicia, southeast Turkey. The 24-metre deposit contained 33 major levels, starting with an Early Neolithic deposit dated c6000 be with dark-surfaced wares, some with impressed decoration, and ending with a medieval deposit dated to cl500 ad. A series of nine Neolithic levels was succeeded by a long series of Chalcolithic deposits; the most important architectural remains came from level XVI, in the form of a heavily defended fortress which had been destroyed by fire.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied