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A tell site of the Kulli culture in southern Baluchistan (Pakistan) with a settlement and cremation cemetery. Grave goods include copper tools, beads, and terra-cotta figurines of females, bulls, and birds. The tell also yielded Indus civilization material such as carved stone vases. A number of steatite bowls imported from Tepe Yahya around 2800 BC have been found.


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Site of the Kulli culture of southern Baluchistan, Pakistan, excavated by Aurel Stein. The site covers c8 hectares and Stein excavated part of the settlement and an adjacent cremation cemetery, with grave goods including copper tools, beads, and female, bull and bird figurines of terracotta. Carved stone vases and other artefacts show connections with the Harappan civiliza-

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied