Medinet Habu

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Temple complex dating from the New Kingdom to the Late Period, c 1550-332 BC, at the southernmost part of the necropolis region of western Thebes, Upper Egypt, opposite modern Luxor. The well-preserved mortuary temple of Ramesses III (1187-1156 BC) with scenes of the king's campaigns against the Sea Peoples and the Libyans is the most impressive monument. It was situated within a fortified enclosure wall, with remarkable entrance towers, imitating Syrian migdol fortresses, on the east side. A royal palace was attached at the south of the open forecourt of this temple, which was also dedicated to the god Amon. Ramesses III's walls had enclosed a small temple called Djeser-Iset that was dedicated to Amon and had been built by the earlier pharaohs Hatshepsut and Thutmose III. Medinet Habu was at one time the most important administrative center in the Theban area. In the first millennium BC, a town called Djeme developed within the fortifications of the temple; a settlement survived there into the Coptic period.