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A settlement site of the Neolithic, Copper Age, and Bronze Age, located in south central Albania. There are two late Neolithic building levels with rectangular houses with reed on plaster floors set on timber beams, associated with rich painted pottery. Incised and channeled ware is found in the Late Copper Age.


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A large settlement site of the Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age, located in the upland Korge basin in south central Albania. A four-metre stratigraphy contained four major occupation horizons: I, two late Neolithic building levels with rectangular houses with reed on plaster floors set on timber beams, associated with rich painted pottery; II, two building levels associated with late Copper Age material, the first a pile-dwelling on top of lacustrine sediments, the second a set of rectangular houses on clay floors. Incised and channelled ware is found. IllA-IIIB represent two Early Bronze Age building levels, IIIC-D a Middle and a Late Bronze Age building level. The Maliq stratigraphy provides the clearest prehistoric sequence yet available from Albania.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied