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An island in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa which was one of the last major tropical land masses to be settled by man. There is no evidence for human presence prior to the 1st millennium AD. It is generally accepted that the island's first settlers came from Indonesia, perhaps from Borneo. Later, probably in about the 11th century AD, Bantu-speaking immigrants from East Africa also arrived.


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This island in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa was one of the last major tropical land masses to be settled by man: there is no evidence for human presence prior to the 1st millenium ad. The Malagasy language contains both African and Indonesian elements; in the recent material culture the latter element is dominant, and it is generally accepted that the island’s first settlers came from Indonesia, perhaps from Borneo. It is evident that they were accomplished navigators, whose livelihood was based on fishing and the cultivation of rice, cocoyams and bananas. Later, probably in about the 11th century ad, Bantu-speaking immigrants from East Africa also arrived; they would have been responsible for the introduction of domestic cattle and cereal crops of African origin. In due course Madagascar became a part of the coastal trade network of the Indian Ocean.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied