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A crescent-shaped sheet of gold, probably worn as a collar or chest ornament in the Early Bronze Age, possibly for rituals. Their incised geometric decoration suggests is similar to that on bell beakers. They originated with the food vessel people of Ireland, Scotland, and perhaps Wales in the Early Bronze Age, and traded not only to southern England but also across to northern Europe. The decoration has led to the suggestion that it imitates the multiple-strand necklaces of jet and amber that are also found during the Early Bronze Age.


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Crescent-shaped chest-ornament of sheet-gold made in Ireland, Scotland and perhaps Wales during the Early Bronze Age; examples found elsewhere in northern Europe were probably traded from Britain. They were usually decorated with fine incised lines or in relief by the repoussé technique; the form of the decoration has led to the suggestion that it imitates the multiple-strand necklaces of jet and amber that are also found during the Early Bronze Age.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied