La Quina

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Middle and Upper Palaeolithic rock shelter complex in Charente, southwest France, and the name of a subdivision of the Charentian Mousterian tradition. The stone tool industry produced thick scrapers with a very curved cutting edge and stepped, splintered retouches. Another industry had many thin scrapers produced by Levallois technique. Human remains include 27 of Neanderthal type.


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The rock shelter of La Quina in the Charente, southwest France, has revealed Mousterian and Upper Palaeolithic levels with radiocarbon dates. Human remains from the Mousterian include a female and a child skull regarded as of Neanderthal type. The site has given its name to a type of Mousterian and also a type of scalariform retouch found on scrapers.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied