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A site in Sindh, Pakistan, lending its name to a Late Harappan culture of Chalcolithic times (2nd millennium BC). The culture, which succeeded the Indus Civilization on certain sites in Sindh (type site of Chanhu-daro; Amri) has material showing a mixture of elements from the Indus, Baluchistan, and the Middle East. There were compartmented seals, copper dress pins, and a shafthole ax. The pottery is that of the Mature Harappan. Certain copper or bronze weapons and tools are comparable to examples from Iran and Central Asia.


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A site in Sind province, Pakistan, which has given its name to a prehistoric culture of the 2nd millenium BC. At the type site and at Amri and Chanhu-Daro, levels of the Jhukar culture succeed those of the Harappan Civilization; indeed, some authorities regard Jhukar as a late version of the Harappan, in a phase when urban life had declined or disappeared. ji [c/h]. See ge.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied