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A cave system in the Pyrenees-Anlantiques of southwest France with one of the longest sequences of Palaeolithic strata yet known. Several Mousterian levels were overlain by a long sequence of Upper Palaeolithic levels. Human remains were found and numerous portable art objects and wall-engravings have been recovered, mainly in the Magdalenian levels. There are also intact Magdalenian hearths on the floor of the lowest tunnel, the Erberua.


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[Isturits]. One of the longest sequences of Palaeolithic strata yet known was excavated in the Isturitz cave in the west Pyrenean area of southwest France. Several Mousterian levels were overlain by a long sequence of Upper Palaeolithic levels. Human remains were found and very numerous art objects have been recovered, mainly in the Magdalenian levels.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied