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A site on the east side of Lake Turkana in Kenya which has yielded important archaeological sites from the Pleistocene and one from the late 3rd millennium BC. Domestic cattle and sheep make this one of the earliest sites in East Africa with evidence for pastoralism. Associated pottery and stone bowls serve as a link with Pastoral Neolithic sites of significantly later date in the Rift Valley highlands to the south. The site of Koobi Fora is very important for its finds of early Hominid fossils and stone artifacts from 2.5-1 million years ago.


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Situated on the east side of Lake Turkana [Rudolf] in Kenya, a short distance south of the border with Ethiopia, Ileret has yielded important archaeological sites of two periods. The first group of discoveries, of Plio/ Pleistocene age, is noted here under East Rudolf. The second group dates to the late 3rd millennium be. Domestic cattle and sheep/goat were represented and these are the earliest sites in East Africa to have yielded incontrovertible evidence for pastoralism. Associated pottery and, especially, stone bowls serve as a link with Pastoral Neolithic sites of significantly later date in the Rift Valley highlands further to the south.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied