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A Middle and Late Neolithic culture with its type site on Lake Neuchâtel in Switzerland. The pottery consists of rough bucket-shaped vessels with decoration limited to a few appliqué cordons. The bucket shapes and ornament resemble that of the French Seine-Oise-Marne culture. Horgen succeeded the Cortaillod (in western Switzerland) and the Pfyn. Horgen pottery is found on settlement sites and also in Megalithic tombs and the culture dated to c 3400-2800 BC. There was a decline in the use of copper.


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Settlement site on Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland, which has given its name to a Middle Neolithic culture, which succeeded Cortaillod in north Switzerland. The characteristic pottery is coarse without decoration or with applied cordons; most vessels are bucket-shaped. Horgen pottery resembles that of the Seine-Oise-Marne group; it is found in settlement sites and also in megalithic tombs.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied