High Lodge

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A British Palaeolithic site in Suffolk, where distinctive tools were found including classic Quina type scrapers similar to those of the Charentian culture of France. At first it was believed to have had three industries: Acheulian ovate biface, a crude flake industry, and a Mousterian. Dates of 450,000-500,000 years ago now suggest that the assemblage may be similar to material from Clacton and Swanscombe.


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A site close to Mildenhall in Suffolk where distinctive Palaeolithic tools were found in the 19th century, including classic Quina type scrapers similar to those found in the Charentian culture of France. The main occupation is from lake clays over- lying a glacial boulder clay, but it is now known that sands above these clays have hand axes and other tools, presumably of the Acheul-IAN.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied