Large Palestinian tell southwest of Lake Huleh in northern Israel, occupied from the Early Bronze Age till the Hellenistic period. In the Middle Bronze Age, cl700 bc, it was a large town covering 72 hectares with a citadel in the southwest corner and surrounded by a rampart with sloping plaster ramp, of the type associated with the Hyksos. At a later date the Canaanites were driven from the city by the Israelites, reputedly under Joshua, cl 220 BC. In the 10th century the city was rebuilt by Solomon, who constructed a monumental gateway. This city was destroyed by the Assyrians c734 bc; however, the citadel continued to be used into the Hellenistic period. [ho, huo]. See ritual vessels (China), li.
The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied