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A site on the upper Ganges in India which revealed important prehistoric stratigraphy. The lowest level, with ochre-colored pottery, was followed by painted gray ware, mudbrick walls, etc. Over this, there was a settlement of mud-brick houses with northern black polished ware and coinage of the later 1st millennium BC. Over this were levels down to the 15th century AD.


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A site in the upper Ganges Valley of India which is referred to in the Mahabharata (an epic story about a prolonged feud between rival princely families in the Ganges valley) as the seat of the Kaurava kings. The earliest level has Ochrecoloured pottery, which is succeeded in Period II by Painted Grey ware. Iron slag appears in the later part of this period, as do domesticated horses. The Period II settlement was destroyed by a flood and the site abandoned for a while. The Period III occupation was a substantial settlement of mud-brick houses associated with Northern Black Polished ware and coinage of the later 1st millennium bc. Over this were levels of historical date, down to the 15th century AD.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied