Ganges Civilization

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A city-state civilization by the 7th-6th centuries BC, characterized by extensive urban settlement and a developed social organization. The state engaged in long struggles for power, which ended in the 4th century BC with the establishment of the Mauryan empire. Much of the information about the Ganges civilization comes from literary sources. Archaeological excavations have usually been on a small scale. Cities were large and usually fortified, often with massive mud ramparts. The characteristic pottery is Northern Black polished ware.


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In the 7th-6th centuries bc the villages of the central Ganges and the Ganges-Jamuna Doab developed into true city-states, characterized by extensive urban settlement and a developed social organization. The states engaged in long struggles for power, which ended in the 4th century bc with the establishment of the Maury an empire under Chandragupta. Much of the information about the Ganges civilization comes from literary sources, including a few contemporary writings, but mostly from texts written at a later date which paint an idealized picture of these early cities. Archaeological information is restricted since excavations have usually been on a small scale. We know that the cities were large and usually fortified, often with massive mud ramparts. The characteristic pottery is Northern Black Polished ware. See also Magadha, Patna, Ujjain.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied