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A deep stratified rock shelter in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, of the Late Palaeolithic and yielding Initial Jomon pottery (with geometric designs) together with obsidian microliths. The stone tools from the oldest layer, dated older than 31,900 years, are among the earliest evidence of human occupation of Japan. Microblades continue into the two early ceramic layers, suggesting a continuity in stone tools when potterymaking began in Japan. The older ceramic layer, dated to 10,650 bc, contained linear-relief pottery, while the younger one, dated to 10,450 bc, included fingernail-impressed ware. The ceramics have been dated by radiocarbon to 12,700 bp, the earliest occurrence in the world of ceramic vessels.


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A deep stratified rock shelter in Nagasaki prefecture on Kyushu, Japan. The unmistakable stone tools from the oldest layer, dated older than 31,900 years, are among the earliest convincing evidence of human occupation of Japan. Microblades appear in the last Palaeolithic layer, and continue in the two early ceramic layers, suggesting a continuity in stone tools at the time when potterymaking began in Japan. The older ceramic layer, dated to 10,650 be, contained linearrelief pottery, while the younger one, dated to 10,450 be, included fingernail-impressed ware. These were succeeded by a layer with arrowheads and Initial Jomon pottery, with geometric designs made by rolling a notched stick.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied