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Of or pertaining to the period since the retreat of the ice sheet and the rise of sea-level at the end of the last glaciation in northwestern Europe. The Flandrian can be dated by radiocarbon and ranges from 10,000 bp (the end of the Devensian) up to the present day. These deposits represent the latest Quaternary interglacial stage, equivalent to the Holocene epoch. The Flandrian includes sediments similar to those of previous interglacials, deposits on archaeological sites which contain Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman, Dark Age, medieval, and more recent artifacts.


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A group of British Quaternary interglacial deposits. The Flandrian can be dated by radiocarbon, and ranges from 10,000 bp (the end of the Devensian) up to the present day (seeTable 6, page 419). These deposits represent the latest Quaternary interglacial stage, equivalent to the Holocene epoch. As well as sediments similar to those of previous interglacials, the Flandrian includes deposits on archaeological sites which contain Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman, Dark Age, medieval and more recent artefacts.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied