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The catching of fish as a source of food did not become important until quite late in man's evolution. Some fish remains are found on early Palaeolithic sites, such as Olduvai. Fish and other seafood were more important for coastal peoples and closer to the poles. In the Mesolithic, from c 6000 BC on, fish hooks and nets were made and boats are likely to have come into general use.


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Fishing probably did not become a major source of food until quite late in man’s evolution, although fish remains are occasionally found on early Palaeolithic sites, such as Olduvai. Fish and other sea food were a more important part of the diet for coastal peoples and in the poleward latitudes. In some areas, late Palaeolithic man may have specialized in salmon fishing. Only in the Mesolithic, from c6000 be onwards, when coastal and lakeside sites became common, did fishing become a major part of the economy, and fishing gear such as hooks and nets is known from this period. Boats are also likely to have come into general use at about this time.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied