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A native Australian dog which was the only terrestrial non-marsupial carnivore and one of the few pre-European placental mammals in Australia. Introduced during the Holocene, the earliest dates are between 3500-3000 bp in Wombah, New Tasmania. At present the dingo's external origins are unknown, but the answer may bring to light human migrations and contacts between Australia and Asia in the mid-Holocene. The dog most closely resembles Indian mid-Holocene dogs.


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Australia’s native dog (Canis famil-iaris) and only terrestrial non-marsupial carnivore. Distributed widely on the continent, it does not occur in Tasmania. The oldest well-authenticated dates for dingo bones come from the sites of Fromms Landing (South Australia), Madura Cave, (Western Australia) and Wombah (coastal New South Wales), between 1000 and 1500 be. At present the dingo’s external origins are unknown, but the answer to this question will have implications for the investigation of human migrations and contacts between Australia and Asia in the mid-Holocene.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied