Coppa Nevigata

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A small mound prehistoric site on the coast of southeast Italy, first occupied in the Early Neolithic. The first occupants were shellfish gatherers who used impressed cardial ware pottery and had a microlithic flint industry as early as the 6th millennium BC. A later occupation belongs to the Apennine Bronze Age.


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A site on the coast of southeast Italy. The first occupation was by a community of shellfish-gatherers, who have left us no trace of other economic activities, though these may well have been practised; they used impressed ware and a specialized microlithic flint industry, and may have been present as early as the 7th millennium be. A later occupation belongs to the Apennine Bronze Age. At this stage the site was defended by a substantial stone wall.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied