English archaeologist and ethnologist who journeyed from Mexico Toltec remains to Hudson's Bay to the caves of southern France and who supported other excavations after a successful banking career. He assisted French archaeologist Edouard Lartet in his investigations of the series of Palaeolithic caves in southwest France, including Laugerie Haute, La Madeleine, Les Eyzies, and Le Moustier. With Christy, Lartet went on to show that the Stone Age comprised successive phases of human culture. Their research was published as "Reliquiae Aquitanicae" ("Aquitanian Remains") in 1865-1875 with money left by Christy in his will. Christy left Palaeolithic material to be divided between France and Britain and his trustees presented the rest of the ethnological collection to the British Museum together with money for future acquisitions. The Christy Collection now contains about 30 000 specimens.