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An Indonesian island east of Borneo which has produced the oldest Buddhist image known in the archipelago, dated to the 4th century. Celebes lies between the two shelves of the Australian and Asian continents. A broad central area is made up of igneous rocks with a band of volcanic detritus (tuff) that is more than 65 million years old. The earliest traces of human habitation on Celebes are stone implements of the Toalian culture.


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Surprisingly, this Indonesian island, situated east of Borneo, has produced the oldest Buddhist image known in the Archipelago. The image is dated to the 4th century, and although not proof of the Indianization of the area it is at least evidence of some connections with India at an early date. In the late 14th century the island, perhaps with the exception of the north, became part of the JAVA-based Indianized kingdom of Majapahit.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied