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A series of sites near Buccino, southwest Italy, with a cemetery of rock-cut tombs of the Copper Age with radiocarbon dates of c 3350-2500 BC. There is also an Early Bronze Age settlement of the Apennine culture surrounded by a stone wall and containing rectangular stone-built huts.


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A group of sites within the comune of Buccino in southwest Italy. In the San Antonio area, a cemetery of six rock-cut tombs of the Copper Age Gaudo group, with radiocarbon dates of 2580-1970 bc (c3350-2500 bc) has been found. In the Tufariello area there is a settlement site of the Early Bronze Age, belonging to an early stage of the Apennine culture. The site was surrounded by a stone wall and contained rectangular stone-built huts.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied