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A poorly understood group dated to the late 4th to early 3rd millennia be in the Morava valley of eastern Yugoslavia. The eponymous site, on a gravel terrace of the Nisava river outside Nis, was excavated by Garasanin in the 1950s. Four main periods are recognized, after surface finds of the early Neolithic StarCevo culture; IA: four building phases with graphite painted ware and ViNCA-derived dark burnished ware; IB: a short phase with Baden pottery; II: a short phase with material like Cojofeni and Salcvta IV; and III: a full Early Bronze Age occupation. The ceramic developments of Period IA reflect the diffusion of graphite painted ware from Bulgaria into the west Balkans, together with the gradual decline in popularity of dark burnished wares on the periphery of the late Vinca culture.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied