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A Chinese incense burner (lu) with a lid designed to represent mountain peaks, such as Boshan, a mountain in Shangdong province. They are stemmed bowls of pottery or bronze with a perforated conical lid. Most examples date from the western Han period. One from the tomb of Liu sheng (d.113 BC) at Mancheng, is inlaid with gold.


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[po-shan-lu]. A Chinese incense burner (Zu) with a lid designed to represent mountain peaks (Boshan is a mountain in Shandong province). Made either of pottery or bronze, the boshanlu takes the form of a stemmed bowl with a perforated conical lid. Most examples date from the Western Han period. One of the finest, from the tomb of Liu Sheng (d. 113 bc) at Mancheng, is inlaid with gold, and shows the mountain, populated by animals and men, rising from swirling ocean waves. These censers may depict a mythical Isle of the Immortals where elixirs of immortality were supposedly to be found.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied


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A Chinese incense burner (lu) with a lid designed to represent mountain peaks, such as Boshan, a mountain in Shangdong province. They are stemmed bowls of pottery or bronze with a perforated conical lid. Most examples date from the western Han period. One from the tomb of Liu sheng (dated 113 bc ) at Mancheng is inlaid with gold.

Dictionary of Artifacts, Barbara Ann Kipfer, 2007Copied