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A style of pottery decoration in which plain wares are given a black sheen, which continued well into the Hellenistic period - especially in Athens from the 6th-2nd centuries BC. These wares were often made alongside figure-decorated pottery and from the 5th century BC, the shapes were frequently of stamped decoration. In the 4th century BC, rouletting was also used.


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A style of pottery decoration in which plain wares were given a black sheen, which continued well into the Hellenistic period - especially in Athens from the 6th to 2nd centuries bc . These wares were often made alongside figure-decorated pottery and, from the 5th century bc , the shapes were frequently of stamped decoration. In the 4th century bc , rouletting was also used. [black-glossed]

Dictionary of Artifacts, Barbara Ann Kipfer, 2007Copied