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Pots that have been given a preliminary firing to render them hard enough for further work such as decoration and glazing. The higher the temperature of the bisque firing, the harder will be pot, resulting in reduced reaction between glaze and body in the final firing. Unglazed fired pottery, awaiting glazing - the first or preliminary firing of a ware that is subsequently glazed and refired in the glost firing.


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Pots that have been given a preliminary firing to render them hard enough for further work such as decoration and glazing. The higher the temperature of the biscuit firing, the harder will be the pot, resulting in a reduced reaction between the glaze and body in the final firing. Also includes unglazed fired pottery, awaiting glazing, which is then glazed and refired in the glost firing. [bisque, bisque firing]

Dictionary of Artifacts, Barbara Ann Kipfer, 2007Copied