Belt Hook

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Small decorative and functional objects used as garment hooks in China, Korea, and other Near Eastern areas as early as the 7th century BC. Belt hooks have been found in Han tombs in southwestern China, but this luxury item was most in vogue during the Warring States period (5th-3rd centuries BC). These belt hooks were inlaid with gold or silver foil, polished fragments of turquoise, or more rarely with jade or glass; sometimes they were gilded. Most examples are bronze, often lavishly decorated with inlays, but some are made of jade, gold, or iron. The belt hook consists of a bar or flat strip curving into a hook at one end and carrying at the other end, on the back, a button for securing it to the belt. The hooks vary widely in size, shape, and design, and although contemporary sculptures sometimes show them at the waists of human figures, some examples are far too large to have been worn and their function is unclear. Textual evidence hints that the belt hook was adopted by the Chinese from the mounted nomads of the northern frontier of inner Asia, perhaps along with other articles of the horseman's costume. They were probably worn by both men and women.


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[or toggle]. Names applied to various garment hooks made in China as early as the 7th or 6th century bc (a date resting partly on finds from Luoyang Zhongzhoulu and the Houma foundry site). Belt hooks have been found in Han tombs at places as widely scattered as Lelang in Korea and the Dian kingdom in southwestern China, but this luxury item enjoyed its greatest vogue during the Warring States period (5th-3rd centuries bc). Most examples are bronze, often lavishly decorated with inlays, but a few are made of jade, gold, or iron. As a rule the belt hook consists of a bar or flatfish strip curving into a hook at one end and carrying at the other end, on the back, a button for securing it to the belt. The hooks vary widely in size, shape, and design, and although contemporary sculptures sometimes show them at the waists of human figures, some examples are far too large to have been worn and their function is unclear. Textual evidence hints that the belt hook was adopted by the Chinese from the mounted nomads of the northern frontier, perhaps along with other articles of the horseman’s costume.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied


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Small decorative and functional object used as a garment hook in China, Korea, and other Near Eastern areas as early as the 7th century bc . Belt hooks have been found in Han tombs in southwestern China, but this luxury item was most in vogue during the Warring States period (5th to 3rd centuries bc ). These belt hooks were inlaid with gold or silver foil, polished fragments of turquoise, or more rarely with jade or glass; sometimes they were gilded. Most examples are bronze, often lavishly decorated with inlays, but some are made of jade, gold, or iron. The belt hook consists of a bar or flat strip curving into a hook at one end and carrying at the other end, on the back, a button for securing it to the belt. The hooks vary widely in size, shape, and design, and although contemporary sculptures sometimes show them at the waists of human figures, some examples are far too large to have been worn and their function is unclear. Textual evidence hints that the belt hook was adopted by the Chinese from the mounted nomads of the northern frontier of inner Asia, perhaps along with other articles of the horseman’s costume. They were probably worn by both men and women. [toggle]

Dictionary of Artifacts, Barbara Ann Kipfer, 2007Copied