Bel’Kachi I

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An important settlement site on the Aldan River in central Siberia, occupied during the Neolithic (defined by the use of pottery, rather than the practice of farming). The lowest level has a radiocarbon date of <4020 bc (c4920 bc), which is the earliest date for pottery in Siberia, for a hand-moulded, sand-tempered ware decorated with net or mat impressions. The succeeding phase, often known as the Bel’kachinsk culture after this site, has another distinctive pottery style, decorated with impressions made with a cordwrapped paddle. It is thought to date to the 3rd millennium bc. In the Late Neolithic, probably belonging to the 2nd millennium bc, a new type of pottery appeared: check-stamped ware, made by beating with a grooved paddle. Changes in stone and bone tools occurred during the development of the Neolithic, but throughout the economic basis remained hunting and fishing. The modern Yukagir population may be direct descendants of the Neolithic groups in this area.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied